Thank You Elmwood Park!

I wish to extend my thanks and gratitude to all of my supporters. Thank you for your overwheling amount of support and for signing my petitions. I gathered twice the amount of signatures nesscesary and the required documentation. However, due to the conditions of my retirement from governmenet service and office and personal rreasons, I decided not to offcially file for office at this time and resolve the issues. I am confident after listening to the concerns in the community, my cadidacy will be supported and the opportune time to run would be in the upcoming election. The Mayor-President, the Village Clerk and the remaining three Trustee’s will be up for re-election. My election would have more of a significant inpact.

I am proud to have served the community and all of you in bringing development and moving the village forward for 24 years.

Please continue to have confidence in the village as it is a great community to live in and contiune to become involved.

I wish the best to the incoming officials and remind them to keep the best interest of the community at heart. It is a difficult task. I will continue to make my self available for any guidance and support I can offer.  


Sam LaBarbera

Thank You Elmwood Park!

I wish to extend my thanks and gratitude to all of my supporters. Thank you for your overwheling amount of support and for signing my petitions. I gathered twice the amount of signatures nesscesary and the required documentation. However, due to the conditions of my retirement from governmenet service and office and personal rreasons, I decided not to offcially file for office at this time and resolve the issues. I am confident after listening to the concerns in the community, my cadidacy will be supported and the opportune time to run would be in the upcoming election. The Mayor-President, the Village Clerk and the remaining three Trustee’s will be up for re-election. My election would have more of a significant inpact.

I am proud to have served the community and all of you in bringing development and moving the village forward for 24 years.

Please continue to have confidence in the village as it is a great community to live in and contiune to become involved.

I wish the best to the incoming officials and remind them to keep the best interest of the community at heart. It is a difficult task. I will continue to make my self available for any guidance and support I can offer.  


Sam LaBarbera