Improving Elmwood Park should be the focus

Being an elected official means being in touch with the community so you can properly represent those who have given you their trust.  It means serving and representing the entire community and all it’s residents, not creating any divisions or distinction among your constituents. The job of an elected official involves discussion and listening to all of your constituents, as well as being scrutinized and criticized by the general public.

Many of you have been long time resident of Elmwood Park and have a sincere interest in the community. Steering and managing the community in the proper direction during this bad economic climate and changing times, is a difficult task. 

The Village Board has changed with different members since 1989.  As a member of the board, I was never a “yes man” or controlled. A look at the minutes of many of the meetings, will find me voicing a difference of opinion and opposition to the majority. This creates compromise, discussion and accountability.  However, working together, I was able to help accomplish and implement more reform and projects than any other predecessors that I can remember. After 24 years on the Board, my record and years of dedication to the Village, speaks for itself.

Building a solid and supportive coalition is important. Being in touch with the commuity is important to represent and act in the it’s best intersest.  I have suggested trying to work together to resolve the concerns and issues that face our village. The leaders of my own organization found this unacceptable and I was not slated with the party ticket after 24 years.

People are entitled to have differences and voice their own opinions. After all, this is America.

To engage in calculated and orchestrated retaliation is wrong. An elected official should act with dignity, respect for others and with professionalism and maturity.

I am a life-long resident of Elmwood Park with a professional background as an attorney and Administrative Law Judge for the State of Illinois, with a strong dedication and obvious commitment to the community. I have children and a large an extended family in the Village.   Apparently, the real reason why I was not slated is that my independent nature and spirit of cooperation, did not fit into their agenda.

I hope that the incumbant candidates elected on April 4th, 2023, will realize how far they have removed and distanced themselves from the commuinity, for their own political or economic gain. There are out of touch. The fact that candidates outside the “organization” were elected, should send a meaasage.

Improving Elmwood Park should be the focus

Being an elected official means being in touch with the community so you can properly represent those who have given you their trust.  It means serving and representing the entire community and all it’s residents, not creating any divisions or distinction among your constituents. The job of an elected official involves discussion and listening to all of your constituents, as well as being scrutinized and criticized by the general public.

Many of you have been long time resident of Elmwood Park and have a sincere interest in the community. Steering and managing the community in the proper direction during this bad economic climate and changing times, is a difficult task. 

The Village Board has changed with different members since 1989.  As a member of the board, I was never a “yes man” or controlled. A look at the minutes of many of the meetings, will find me voicing a difference of opinion and opposition to the majority. This creates compromise, discussion and accountability.  However, working together, I was able to help accomplish and implement more reform and projects than any other predecessors that I can remember. After 24 years on the Board, my record and years of dedication to the Village, speaks for itself.

Building a solid and supportive coalition is important. Being in touch with the commuity is important to represent and act in the it’s best intersest.  I have suggested trying to work together to resolve the concerns and issues that face our village. The leaders of my own organization found this unacceptable and I was not slated with the party ticket after 24 years.

People are entitled to have differences and voice their own opinions. After all, this is America.

To engage in calculated and orchestrated retaliation is wrong. An elected official should act with dignity, respect for others and with professionalism and maturity.

I am a life-long resident of Elmwood Park with a professional background as an attorney and Administrative Law Judge for the State of Illinois, with a strong dedication and obvious commitment to the community. I have children and a large an extended family in the Village.   Apparently, the real reason why I was not slated is that my independent nature and spirit of cooperation, did not fit into their agenda.

I hope that the incumbant candidates elected on April 4th, 2023, will realize how far they have removed and distanced themselves from the commuinity, for their own political or economic gain. There are out of touch. The fact that candidates outside the “organization” were elected, should send a meaasage.