Official Website to Elect Sam LaBarbera to Public Office

Official Website to Elect Sam LaBarbera to Public Office

Dear Friends:

Back in 1987, I wanted to run for local office. I was also working precinct 64 with Mary Fickenscher, our village clerk, at that time. I eventually took the precinct over. I was nominated for trustee in 1989, at only 31 years old. It was one of the largest voter turnouts in the history of Elmwood Park. I won.

My intention has always been in the best interest of Elmwood Park. My 24 years of service as a Trustee have proven my commitment to the Village. I have four children whom I have raised in Elmwood Park. I have coached their football teams and assisted in their other sports activities. I was a Boy Scout Merit Board Commissioner for our local troop and participated in counseling and lecturing for my children’s packs and troops. I coached in the Rush Football League. Being an elected official also means being in touch with the community and giving something back to those you serve. This keeps me in touch with the community and other families. I was very active in my parish at St Vincent’s, especially while all of my children attended school there and remained a parishioner. I started there in first grade and graduated in 1972. I remain in contact with many of the families, personnel, and staff who still reside in Elmwood Park.

Back in 1963, we moved into Elmwood Park. My mother’s two sisters, her brother, and three of her nieces, along with my father’s brother and many of his first cousins, followed us into this community. My father put some of the men to work as he was a local contractor and tradesman. They and many of their children stayed in Elmwood Park, attending the Elmwood Park elementary schools, junior high, and high school. Some of their children are currently attending public schools. My ties to the community are deeply rooted and far spread.

As many of you know, my professional background is attorney and Administrative Law Judge for the State of Illinois. I feel that 24 years on the Board of Trustees and my involvement in the community bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, professionalism, and maturity that is necessary to bring us through these turbulent times.
It would be an honor to serve once again, and I seek your election as a Village President.

Dear Friends:
Back in 1987, I wanted to run for local office. I was also working precinct 64 with Mary Fickenscher, our village clerk, at that time. I eventually took the precinct over. I was nominated for trustee in 1989, at only 31 years old. It was one of the largest voter turnouts in the history of Elmwood Park. I won.
My intention has always been in the best interest of Elmwood Park. My 24 years of service as a Trustee have proven my commitment to the Village.
I have four children whom I have raised in Elmwood Park. I have coached their football teams and assisted in their other sports activities. I was a Boy Scout Merit Board Commissioner for our local troop and participated in counseling and lecturing for my children’s packs and troops. I coached in the Rush Football League. Being an elected official also means being in touch with the community and giving something back to those you serve. This keeps me in touch with the community and other families. I was very active in my parish at St Vincent’s, especially while all of my children attended school there and remained a parishioner. I started there in first grade and graduated in 1972. I remain in contact with many of the families, personnel, and staff who still reside in Elmwood Park.
Back in 1963, we moved into Elmwood Park. My mother’s two sisters, her brother, and three of her nieces, along with my father’s brother and many of his first cousins, followed us into this community. My father put some of the men to work as he was a local contractor and tradesman. They and many of their children stayed in Elmwood Park, attending the Elmwood Park elementary schools, junior high, and high school. Some of their children are currently attending public schools. My ties to the community are deeply rooted and far spread.
As many of you know, my professional background is attorney and Administrative Law Judge for the State of Illinois. I feel that 24 years on the Board of Trustees and my involvement in the community bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, professionalism, and maturity that is necessary to bring us through these turbulent times.
It would be an honor to serve the Village as Trustee once again, and I seek your re-election.